Husband, Father, Son, Community Hero
This page is for information on Kimsang's bon, service, and updates. Bookmark the page and check back often as info is added when available.
All proceeds benefits the family, thank you.
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Reqest a t-shirt in support of Kimsang and Family | $25 each
Family, friends and KLACA gather to say encouraging words for Kimsang, Precious, and Kae.
May 08 2021
May 08 2021
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Family, friends and community members show love to Kimsang, Precious, and Kae at UW Medical Center, Seattle, WA.
May 2, 2021
May 2, 2021
<Hover your mouse over the edges to move forward or backwards through the photos or swipe left or right on mobile>
Prayers for Kimsang, Precious and Kae.
April, 28 2021
April, 28 2021
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